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What you need to know!

Whilst reading the sections you’ll be presented with the Well Architected Bar, this is to tell you which parts of the Well-Architected Framework is applicaple to the content you are about to read. The example below indicates that Security is the main focus of the content but the content is also applicable to Operational Excellence as a secondary catergory.

OpEx Sec Rel Perf Cost Sus

This book includes code samples and command line (CLI) instructions to run as you go through it. The code blocks will be Terraform or Python code, the code blocks will always be tagged with the correct language like so:

import boto3, botocore
import base64, os, json, requests
from aws_lambda_powertools import Tracer
from aws_lambda_powertools.logging.logger import set_package_logger


tracer = Tracer(service="s3r")

def check_safeurl(url):
    ''' check url to make sure its not on a blocked list'''
    if os.environ['SafeBrowsing'] == 'true':

Command Line instructions will be indented on their own line, for example

aws s3 ls

Should you need to change a variable in the code or CLI instruction it will be highlighted in bold and <> for example <AWS_REGION>

1 - Getting Setup

Getting your environment ready for working with this book

I recommend that unless you have everything ready to go on your local machine that you use the AWS cloud console shell to run the examples in this book. It comes pre-configured with you IAM keys for access to your account and already has the aws CLI and python installed. Be warned python defaults to version 2.7.18 at the time of writing however version 3.7 is installed and that’s what we will use.

To open the cloud shell simply click on the shell icon in the top right hand corner once you log into your AWS account:

Launch the Web Shell

You should tehn be prompted with the following screen after 30 seconds whilst it spins up:

The Web Shell

I now recommend you run some updates to get us all on the same track:

yum update
yum upgrade

Installing Terraform

Finally in the setup section lets install terraform. Terraform is a Infrastructure as code tool produced by hashicorp and is an alternative to Amazon’s own CloudFormation. I’m including both in this book as which one you prefer is down to your preference.

Let us install unzip first so you can extract the terraform file:

sudo yum install unzip

Find the latest release version of terraform from here: in my case its 1.1.2

export release=<VERSION>

This sets the variable $release for the following commands

sudo wget${release}/terraform_${release}

You should see the output of wget downloading the file here. Now lets unzip the file and put it somewhere useful.

 unzip terraform_${release}
 sudo unzip terraform_${release}
 sudo mv terraform /usr/local/bin/
 terraform version

The final command should return the current version of terraform, in my case, it’s 1.1.2